Kaitiakitanga Program Budget: Click here to see Spreadsheet
We had no budget allocated for this project from the time it started in April 2003 until June 2004. All energy came from volunteer effort and teamwork alone. Over this period any expenses were covered by koha contributions.from Strategic Expertise Ltd our private funding co-partner as committed in our funding application. This allowed us to immediately get on with the program without waiting for the result of our funding application
We were advised by NZ Trade and Enterprise in late December 2003 that our application of July 4 2003 to the Enterprise Culture and Skills Development fund had been approved in principle but reduced to $100,000. This will provide much needed ongoing research and seed funding for our program which we plan to incur between July 2004 to Dec 2005. Official budget spreadsheets have been prepared which are updated regularly to reflect actual progress and show the specific enterprise and capability growing subprojects and physical deliveries that recommend be financed from this fund in the following quarter. This forms the basis for our quarterly progress reporting to the fund and drawdown approvals for each new quarter. In the current quarter our targets are very firm, but they also includes some funds to carry out research and feasibility studies over the quarter so we can re-evaluate our planned projects before the start of each new quarter. We also include some uncommitted budget to enable us to exploit any opportunities that arise at any time.
We concentrate on using the ECSD funding for community learning, often by means of small infrastructure development projects that will open future enterprise opportunities that will be available to as many people in our community as possible. Often we use it to fund tertiary student and volunteer activities where their impact is very high; it provides enterprise learning opportunism for them as well. Most projects that are started require other ongoing funding or revenue streams to be establish and securing that is a key part of the learning process, so that they are sustainable in the long term.
For projects that fall outside the ECSD criteria, for example " Connecting with external networks" we have relied entirely on koha we have received from our partners and other individuals who freely give it in appreciation of what we are doing and sharing. We thank those people who have contributed to this.
Our program is managed from the perspective of individual project deliveries and milestones, recognising that all projects operate in a highly interdependent environment. All reporting is transparently available to all on the website which is regularly updated.
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