Tapu te Ranga Marae Island Bay, Wellington.
The Tapu te Ranga Marae in Island Bay, Wellington is a special place.
It is the home of Bruce Stewart who with friends purchased the land, deposited it into a trust for future generations and now with many helpers is restoring it to a place of beauty and love.
Click here for the story of courage and determination that made this place possible against all the odds
Read a story written for our French Readers.
He says "We need all people to have a place to practice their kaitiakitanga within their own community"
People from Wellington and around the world participate on the environmental programmes and other activities offered here.
An interview with Bruce where he talks about Kaitiakitanga (published in Green Anarchy)
The Hillside that is being replanted and is bringing back the birds to Island Bay in Wellington City.
Read about the Manawa Karioi (Project Birdsong) that many volunteers are participating in to help bring the Tui, Kereru and Bellbirds back. You can volunteer to help.
Visit their own new website:
Detail 2
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