Other Places- He Oranga mo nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust - Ruatorea
He Oranga Mo Nga Uri Tuku Iho Trust (HOMNUTI) is a charitable trust based in Ruatorea, Te Tairawhiti, Aotearoa New Zealand. It was established in 2000 hei kawe i nga wawata o nga rangatahi o Ngati Porou hei oranga mo tatou me nga whakatipuranga kei te heke mai nei.
The Trust is committed to promote and encourage the better education, advancement and wellbeing of rangatahi and future generations and the preservation and restoration of our natural environment.
The Trustees are: Graeme Atkins (Chairperson), Tui Warmenhoven, Maria Wynyard, Marijke Warmenhoven, Reuben Dewes. The Trust is involved with environmental restoration, youth and community development and leadership, mentoring, sponsorship, wananga, te reo me ona tikanga.
Taonga Tuku Iho Research Project
The Trust also administers the Taonga Tuku Iho research program (Foundation for Science, Research & Technology HOMN301). The research team (right) is Jamie Whangapirita, Tui Warmenhoven,
Maraea Welch, Pia Pohatu and Makere Kaa (absent). We are assisted by the research advisory group Te Ropu Arataki O Ururangi members; Anaru Totorewa Kupenga, Glenis Philip Barbara, Rikirangi Gage and Garth Harmsworth
This project investigates the role of matauranga Maori (traditional knowledge) in sustainable hapu development. The key aims are to:
Clarify the role of hapu in contemporary Maori society
Identify sustainable development projects, initiatives and activities that hapu are interested/ involved in
Build human and social capacity to carry out sustainable initiatives
Record and retain Maori knowledge
Develop Maori research capability
left: Rangahau at Aria
We work with local hapu Ngati Rangi, Te Whanau A Rakairoa and Ngati Uepohatu and three other hapu throughout the country to carry out this research. This mahi has involved:
-aspirations wananga -development of hapu databases -strategic planning and advice
-provision of/ access to information -networks and resources -hikoi -capacity building
-oral history interviews with kaumatua -land use capability assessments -training/ upskilling
-nursery development grants -seed/ling collections -hui and wananga
Left above: Slip before Mangaehu Bridge Mangaoparo Valley 04 06
Right above:Flood deposition history in sediments_Waiapu River Rotokautuku_Dec04
Left side: Transferring Pirita seeds to host trees
For information contact:
Pia Pohatu or Tui Warmenhoven
Taonga Tuku Iho Research Project
He Oranga monga Uri Tuku Iho Trust
20 Barry Avenue, Ruatorea 3851
ph fax +64 6 834 8363
This Page URL www.kaitiakitanga.net/others/ruatorea
See the Youth Hui that they ran in April 2006 in Ruatorea, under the Pacific Centre for Participatory Democracy www.pcpd.org.nz "Young People Negotiating Citizenship, Identity and Globalisation"
Detail 2
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