e-Resources Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship and sustainability)
These are resources about sustainability, the envirionment culture etc. They normally address a specific document on a site, but also look back at the root URL as they are are often rich with other information. (Most of these came from a search for Kaitiakitanga Maori on Google >p 35. We can take no responsibily for their accuracy or authenticity)
Kaitiakitanga Links:
Maori Kaitiakitanga sites and NZ comment:
Kaitiakitanga - Safe Guarding our Future - Reflections by a writer from Quebec
We are the Protectors - Maori Activist Bruce Stewart talks of community, tradition and life
Shellfish, a Woven Cloak and Sacred Places - Maori and Protected areas - Aroha Mead
Systems Thinking and Common Ground - (Maori and conv Science) - Dr John Peet, University of Canterbury, NZ
The Aroha Way - Insights from Maori culture to help others walk their Higher Ground.
Integrated Whenua Design (IWD) Charitable Trust at www.maorilanduse.com
Tu Strategies - Indigenous Maori ideas, solutions and intelligence www.tu.co.nz
Tai Tokerau Sustainable Development Research Group - many reources indexed here
DOC - Customary Use of Natural Resources Consistent with Kaitiakitanga
The Maori Perspective - Customary and Traditional Freshwater and Riparean Values
Searching for Synergy - Maori and Indigenous Conservatory Values
Maori and Oceans Policy 2003
Articles for Kaitiaki - Those who care for, care about.
Kaitiakitanga.co.nz - A website for iwi and hapu environmental kaitiaki.
Climate Change Working Paper - Maori Issues
Kaitiakitanga - A Look at the Deforestation of Aotearoa, and an Argument for Structuring an Idealised Future
Kaitiakitanga - Maori and other issues raised in submissions to the Bioprospeting discussion document
Kaitiakitanga - Maori input into Waste Strategy for North Shore City
Molecular Kaitiakitanga - The Maori view on GM.
Kaitiakitanga - Investing in culture, the 4th bottom line
Giving by choice and sharing by duty - a Maori view on social capital
The impact of the new media on maori culture and belief systems
Indigenous concepts, values and knowledge for sustainable development: NZ case studies
Increasing biodiversity on private land - is it worth the bother?
E tipu e rea: An indigenous theoretical framework for youth development
Place, people and prospect: responding to spirit - Australasion Inst of Landscape Architects
Environmental Health : A Relevant Science for All Today
The Resource Management Act - Environmental Defence Society
Who owns the river beds - and does it matter?
NZ Tourism Strategy 2010: Mission Welcome visitors, protect our environment, celebrate our culture
Kaitiakitanga of taonga Maori within museum and library institutions.
The Biotechnology Century - three major proposals - NZ Royal Society
A Green Plan At The Crossroads New Zealand's Resource Management Act: The Transition From Theory to Practice
Government as guardian, patron and educator - NZ Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Discussion Framework on customary rights to the foreshore and seabed - Te Ope Mana a Tai Aug 2002
River Gravel Managemant Guidelines - Environment BOP
Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water
Kaitiakitanga - A pakeha submission on the foreshore and seabed issue
Indigenous Kaitiakitanga sites
NativeNet.org www.nativenet.org
Indigenous Perspectives in Forestry Education: A Selective Bibliography
Sharing Indigenous Wisdom - College of Menominee Nation.
Environmental protection - International institute for indigenous resource management
Ecoportal -Sustainability info source - indigenous links
World Indigenous Science Network
Indigenous People's Council on Biocolonialism
First Nations Development Institute
The Centre for Ecoliteracy Fritjof Capra and friends - incuding indigenous systems thinking - see publications
EAGLE - (Environmental-Aboriginal Guardianship through Law and Education)
IUCN - The World Conservation Union: Indigenous Peoples Issues - An internal discussion note
United Nations - Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Rainforest sites:
Word Rainforest Movement - Based in Uruguay
Forest- trends - Building bridges for sustainable forestry
World Rainforest Information Portal
American Forest Foundation - Conserving today, preparing for tomorrow
School / teaching resources:
Whirinaki Rainforest Learning Resources see www.whirinakirainforest.info
Nga Hua a Tane - Rainforest Ecosystems Services Value Program - School research in Whirinaki, NZ
Guidelines for Environmental Education in NZ Schools
Indigenous knowledge and sustainability - Teaching Module 11 from UNESCO site
Whirinaki Forest History and Bibliography
Project Learning Tree - US environmantal education site
Sites about water conservation and the Water Cycle:
Nga Hua a Tane - Rainforest Water Cycle research Program in Whirinaki Rainforest - regulating our climate
The water page; many links from Africa - The importance of water ( Thanks Sam for finding this)
Save every drop - Water Conservation resources (Thanks Bella from Westwood Youth Group US for finding this)
35 ways to save water at home - links to lots or resources thanks to Sara Kelly, City of Renton, Washington State
How to conserve water in the bathroom - ideas and links
Education Resources
David Bellamy's Conservation Site - The Wildlife Business Foundation
Integrating Western and Aboriginal Sciences: Cross-Cultural Science Teaching
Environmental Education and Academic Border Crossings: Addressing (Educational) Imperialism in Aotearoa NZ
Centre for Ecoliteracy - reconnecting children to the natural world -educator resources
A Sense of Wonder - a revolution in education
Related volunteer community organisations and projects
Whaingaroa Environmental Group (Raglan Harbour, Aotearoa, NZ
Xtreme Waste - Raglan's community run recycling centre
Nuhaka kainga toiwhenua - Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka
The Waiapu Project - Maori community goals for enhancing ecosystem health - Ngati Porou
Coastal Polution on the East Coast - degradation of habitat - Seafood Industry Conference May 2003
Integrated Catchment Management for the Motueka River
Permaculture in NZ
The Kauri - Waikuku Trust - Learning through healing the Forest
Kufunda Learning Village, Zimbabwe www.kufunda.org
Gaviotas Colombia – The Village Who Planted Trees
Santrapol Roulant - Youth working for intergenerational communities in Montreal
Centre for Resource Conservation , Boulder, Colorado http://www.conservationcenter.org/
Colorado Renewable Energy Society http://www.cres-energy.org/
Related Government community sustainability initiatives:
Department of Conservation (DOC), NZ. - community based conservation initiatives
Working with the community - DOC Conservation Awareness funding
The Green LaneTM, Environment Canada's World Wide Web site
Possum Management in NZ Govt report from Pio Pio school site
Formak - Forest Management and Assessment Kit ( NZ tool)
Zero Waste New Zealand Trust resources and funding for projects
Te Puna Web Directory - NZ National Library - Links to on-line resources
Independent sustainability based organisations and publications::
World Changing - another world is here (mainly youth site) www.worldchanging.org
Environment and conservation organisations of Aotearoa www.eco.org.nz
In Context - A quarterley of humane sustainable culture
Getting there - the road to zero waste Waste NZ Trust
The NZ Ecological Restoration Network www.bush.org.nz
2003 PHILIA SYMPOSIUM Beyond Interventionist and Laissez-faire Policies- An Inspiration for Society
L'Agora encyclopaedia on-line ( French Language Site):
On Line Ethics and Sustainable Development
YES - Positive Futures Network
Rethinking community based conservation
NZ Forest and Bird
Community - Sustainability for people - resources
AccountAblity - institute of social and ethical accountabilty
TheMeatrix - Meat factory farming environmental and food issues - www.themeatrix.com
Natural Capital Solutions - Hunter Lovins site - Downloadable video of NZ forums with youth
Business Sustainabilty Initiatives and networks:
Auckland Environmental Business network www.aebn.pl.net
NZ Business Council for Sustainable Development www.nzbcsd.org.nz
ICANZ Sustainability Group www.icanz.org.nz
NZ Business Excellence Foundation www.nzbef.org.nz
The Natural Step New Zealand www.naturalstep.org.nz
A New New Zealand www.anewnz.org.nz
Insurmountable Opportunities - Steps and barriers to implementing sustainable development
The Natural Capitalism Group
Biomimicry - lessons from nature for organisations
National Sustainability sites around the globe
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