Our Program Roadmap:
Our program is based on the Tipu Ake organic leadership thinking that we pioneered in our Kura. It is very different to conventional project thinking.
At Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti Nui-a-Toi, our Board member, teacher, parent and community's decision making focuses on the outcomes for our children ( e.g. are they getting all the choices for their future). For Kaitiakitanga we are extending this to focus on the outcomes for our Mokopuna (grandchildren) and their grandchildren.
Rather than looking at our current situation and then putting a single project plan in place to try to improve things, we start with the vision of wellbeing (or more appropriately the much more embracing Maori state of Ora) we want our grandchildren enjoy, then look at all the different things we could do right now to move us towards this.* Our Roadmap Powerpoint display plots many of these possible paths and gives an idea of the likely sequence which expands on the vision of our July 2003 funding application
Our program includes many more projects than our small community could possibly do all at once. Like growth in our forest, where life is abundant, every germinated project is interconnected with every other in complex ways and each is searching for sunlight and the right conditions to grow. For our program that sunlight often comes in the form of external volunteers, student teams and organisations form all around the world who choose to koha (freely give) their time, energy expertise and resources because they believe so strongly in what we are doing and sharing, that they want to join in.
* This thinking extends the concept of Backcasting ( rather than forecasting) that is a key component of The Natural Step process that many of the world's leading sustainable companies ( for example Interface) are using. Refer to the article under stories at www.tipuake.org.nz
Detail 2
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